En blogg om Stavanger Symfoniorkesters vei fra Kuppelhallen via Carnegie Hall i New York til Nytt Konserthus i Bjergsted


"Fanpost" fra "over there"...

Vår cellist Liv Opdal har fått dette positive brevet etter konserten i Carnegie Hall 23. mars. Og skribenten, Helen Homek som er ivrig amatørfiolinist og selv spiller i et amatørorkester på Manhattan ville gjerne dele det med våre lesere, så her er det:

"Liisa & I went to the concert last night.  It was in Carnegie's big hall which has 4 balconies & a very large orchestra. 

The concert was great - Haydn. Bach. Mozart & someone named Roman, whom I didn't know but he was composing at around the same time.  Evidently their conductor is an expert on early music & I think he may really have taught the orchestra to play like they did then.  I have never before seen such precision bowing. String players are all supposed to go up & down at the same time but these players all seemed to play the notes in exactly the same part of the bow & use exactly the same amount of space on the bow for each note.  

Carnegie Hall is noted for its acoustics & even their quietest notes could be heard at the back of the hall. The conductor is also a violinist so we also got 2 violin concertos - one by the concert master & one by him.  It was an extremely enjoyable evening but the weather was horrible - cold, windy, raining, sleeting & snowing all at once.  But it was worth it."
Helen Homek

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